the narrrators



prop my ass up....again *19

so we have a new prop on the ballot this november. as everyone who knows me knows i'm all for the legalization of marijuana. unfortunately i do not agree with prop 19 that is on the ballot. i'm going to vote no. they want to legalize it under the guise of making it like alcohol meanwhile they are putting a limit on what you can have and how much you will be able to grow. how is that not an infringement on our rights and where is the legality in it? yes i want all or nothing. yes i want it legal but where does this leave the medical side? in effect we will be creating more criminals with this prop than keeping them out of our jails. yes although i think that perhaps if enough states vote to legalize it then maybe just maybe the feds will follow but ultimately it will still be federally illegal so we are ultimately all criminals. let's not be hasty with this we have waited this long for this to become a reality so let's do it right. let's keep more people out of jail than in. think about it a little bit. read the bill. make the decision for yourself. demand a rewrite. =^..^=

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