i can't sleep. this year has been absolutely insane and just trucks right along the same path. looks like a 5 mile walk uphill there and back. there are some beautiful flowers in my garden as of late. so much has happened i want to tell you everything and nothing at once....when i have focus i'll return...=^..^=
Todd Mccormick & prop 19
so i stumbled upon this little social facebook biting site called hempire. it is supposed to be a like minded community of potheads so to speak. now the reason i call them potheads is because they tend to be more on the recreational side all the while shouting freedom!!! if they were so supportive of freedom then they would not vote for prop 19. not to say i don't want to see marijuana legal, on the contrary. i just don't think we should accept this bill at the expense of our rights. we should be able to have as much as we want and grow as much as we want. what happens to the medical side? there is so much healing in this plant and we want to treat it like alcohol?? hell yeah i want all or nothing. this bill will create more criminals according to the wording of the bill. so since i always have more than an oz i can potentially go to jail. or what of the 110 patients i care for? so i go to jail if i grow for all of them? the fat cats behind this bill i'm sure run arm in arm in fields of dead bodies and are part of the 4 who were able to get permits prematurely of the vote. what is really going on here?? so my opinion is to vote no on prop 19. let's legalize it yet we've waited too long to have it be trampled and vote hastily on it. as for todd.....todd, todd, todd....tsk tsk tsk...i'm ashamed of you. i'm sad you are even close to being a rep of the community. i went to thc expo the first year and i thought cool a place where we can share ideas and thoughts on something we all agree with, love, enjoy, use as medicine and what not. todd did not represent the freedom he so desires and tried to uphold. i joined his hempire site and was banned because my opinion on prop 19 was different than his. instead of trying to sway my vote and talk to me as an adult would he took the role of a defensive child and proceeded to tell me that i am what is wrong with this world. his spouts freedom like a whore spouts crabs yet he bans me for having an opinion. all because he couldn't stand someone on his site disagreeing. if you disagree with an opinion or comment on my blog you are always more than welcome to discuss and or comment nor would i ban you or keep you from visiting my blog because we disagree. we do have freedom of speech and as much as they try to take it from us it's in stone. todd you could have swayed votes you could have made a real change but you were more concerned with who you are and what you do. it's a shame and no wonder there has been no progress in the movement with people like you in charge. just retire already and allow the youth to take over. you are well over done. use your brain for once and stop giving them a reason to call us potheads. effin hippies. =^..^=
Posted by
11:19 AM
prop my ass up....again *19
so we have a new prop on the ballot this november. as everyone who knows me knows i'm all for the legalization of marijuana. unfortunately i do not agree with prop 19 that is on the ballot. i'm going to vote no. they want to legalize it under the guise of making it like alcohol meanwhile they are putting a limit on what you can have and how much you will be able to grow. how is that not an infringement on our rights and where is the legality in it? yes i want all or nothing. yes i want it legal but where does this leave the medical side? in effect we will be creating more criminals with this prop than keeping them out of our jails. yes although i think that perhaps if enough states vote to legalize it then maybe just maybe the feds will follow but ultimately it will still be federally illegal so we are ultimately all criminals. let's not be hasty with this we have waited this long for this to become a reality so let's do it right. let's keep more people out of jail than in. think about it a little bit. read the bill. make the decision for yourself. demand a rewrite. =^..^=
Posted by
10:32 PM