the narrrators



pmdd and my version of crazy

so i've got the bad seed. yay. i knew something was wrong when everytime my menses came around i would want to kill myself. but now that i'm more educated on the subject and have multiple dr's appointments, i feel better. not to mention i'm bleeding enough to kill a small yak. my sister-in-law is an rn. she helped me pull a vitamin reg together to get me through the roughest times. i don't want to have to rely on serotoninhibators to get me by and god forbid end up dependent on them. so i've decided to add vitamins into my already organicly healthy lifestyle. damn, i really am a hippy. i never believed you, you know. in my early twenties i did consider myself a cyber-hippy, but that's a different post. so i'm sorry to have my blog absorb my depression and i don't want to bring anyone down, if i have another episode i'll try not to rip my blog a new one! thanks for reading. =^..^=


24crayons said...

Seriously - I've always said you were a hippy - but the best kind of hippy, the kind who understands the benefits of capitalism with good humans.

I'm sorry about your pmdd.. I always just do the birth control thing, it controls a lot of the crap that goes wrong at that time of month.

24crayons said...

If you want to do HNT you should post a picture, and then link it then make a comment on the obasso's blog which is linked in my blog :P

=^..^= said...

you'll have to help me with that shit. i'm a little retarded about it all at the moment. it's been years since i've done code or anything. i need refreshing.

24crayons said...

I'll call you tomorrow morning and essplain it