the narrrators



fresh start

finally the nursery is completely moved and having pushed through a few bad harvests i'm am so happy to announce the wondrous harvest we have recently finished as well as the one beginning in a week or so. they all came out beautiful and are sure to give us great bounty!! arrrr....the pirate in me breaks through from time to time. ahh where was i? oh yes...this coming harvest should prove to be a wondrous way to ring in the new year. i'm quite pleased at how well they are coming up and things look great for this year. i was really out of sorts before but now i seem to be coming around to my old self. which is much much much appreciated on more sides than i realize. i've been spending more time with the babies, singing to them and talking to them while i work. they really respond, husbandry is a very surprising profession! and very rewarding. i should have a few batches of brownies coming up. i would like to send some to you in ny and vir. please to enjoy!! =^..^=

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