the narrrators



sadly dreams

i was so tired last night that i couldn't tell if this was lucid or just a dream. but i was sitting in my chair watching kamichu and there was a knock on the door. i opened it and it was you and the kids. it was late at night and i could tell the kids were very tired, we set them up in our guest room and you and i went downstairs to talk. you were crying hysterically and between the sobs you told me what lead you to come to my house. with what your mom just recently went through you wanted to come to a neutral place where you could think. i can't quite remember your main issue, something about a decision you had come to and you were at odds with what you should do. i made us some tea and we talked about everything and nothing for a long time. the last thing i remember was telling you to get some rest, you could stay as long as you like, and we'll talk more later. we said goodnight and went to sleep. my heart sank for you and i hope you are doing well, and that this dream is nothing more than a materialization of my worry for you. =^..^=

1 comment:

24crayons said...

I really hope that doesn't come true, lately things are going better than usual.

Hopefully when we visit it won't be under such circumstances!