the narrrators




so i went to bunko last night. i love to go because usually i have a really good time, get socialize and relax a bit. the ladies who go are great, even i am a little more crass and rough around the edges then they are, although i do know how to straighten up when necessary! ;}~ anyhow, last night i was a little upset by the proceedings of the evening. i'm the youngest of the bunch and there are a few other girls a bit older than me, well this one in particular kept yelling, "hurry up! ring the bell! let's go let's go!" i mean every round and for most of the night the games were rushed. well by break time i had about had it. i couldn't understand why people would come to play if they wanted to hurry up and leave or wanted to be somewhere else. it's no fun when it's rushed. our break was only about 10 minutes long and normally we go for about a half hour break. well after ten minutes she was yelling to hurry up and ring the bell and get started. well i was in the bathroom changing my tampon. i was pissed so when i came out of the bathroom i clearly stated, "i can't even change my f**king tampon!!" things kinda calmed down after that and we finished the game before ten o'clock. my aunt and kelly stayed to hang out so we all bitched together about how we didn't much care for the rushing. i told mom i would rather not play if that is how it's going to be. i mean geez, jim rushes around here all the time, the kids are crazy, the last thing i want is to rush through bunko which i supposed to be a social fun event. so we'll see how next month goes, yes we only meet once a month so what's the point of trying to get through it fast? i mean we all really like to talk to each other, sue almost died over the summer, mel had a new grandchild, sue had a new grandchild, and we didn't even get to really talk about it or see pictures because some were in a hurry. it was sad. i've been trying to cut down on the cursing, last night i couldn't help myself. i was so upset. so once again i need to start over on breaking my cursing habit. oh well. i hope i didn't offend. i didn't feel too bad though because we were at my mom's house, the house i grew up in, and when we play elsewhere i don't talk as bad! =^..^=

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