so i've been reading stories by christopher moore. his work is refreshing and vibrant. very much in the times and minds of people. he invites you to view darkness in a different light. his books have been something good for me. aside from manga nothing peeked my interest for the last few years and when i thought my love for books was slowly fading i found moore and needed just that. he has some great titles and i have yet to frown on one. =^..^=
Posted by
10:15 PM
i've had this thing for umbrellas and parasols since i was little. lately i've been looking for one to get me through summer. i don't use my pretty ones for rain, only sun. i need to keep my creamy skin just that way! i want these two SO bad! i found them on ebay, they are just perfect. it looks like i might be able to get them but i don't want to get my hopes up. i keep trying to think of someone who wants to buy me a birthday present but alas i am tapped. i can't think of anyone. :( i hope i get them....please please please....=^..^=
Posted by
6:02 PM
i love new york
auntie kristi! we are so happy you are out and about. it's so exciting you have met new people and are seeing the new york you wanted so badly! send us some photos and lots of stories. we want to hear what you do! take care of yourself and miss us as much as we miss you! here are the girls at easter. i didn't have a good one of mihi in her easter outfit but i'll get one from mom and post it for you. love. =^..^=
Posted by
1:55 PM
get well soon
aww my dearest friend amy. i hope you get better soon. i called and talked to ron for a bit this morning. i hope he didn't think i was too much of a freak. i'm just a little worried for you is all. rest up and get better soon. i hope we talk for some time soon. call me when you get better. go ahead and rest, i won't call you. :)
Posted by
1:52 PM
the parents who call the cops
that's what my neighbor turned me into last night. well i didn't call the cops but i was very close. it was 3 in the morning and they were playing football right in front of our condo. there isn't much to separate the condos, we all have our little patios and they decided to play in their little patio not far from our bedroom windows. well the kids were sleeping and the last thing i wanted was for mihi to wake up screaming because they were too drunk to care. so i went out there and asked them to keep it down so to not wake the childrens. man they still had no respect. the drunk asses got into their big truck and sped up and down the street, engine blaring loudly. i was pretty upset. next time i will call the cops. i can't have this crap. this is the very reason i moved so far from main street. too much partying there and way too loud. this is a very quiet community and now it seems we may have to move due to irresponsible drunks. it's fine by me really as i like to move every few years. but it's totally disrespectful. he just moved in and he is screwing with the wrong stay at home mother. i have too much time on my hands to plan my revenge. next time he won't be so lucky as to have me watching out for him. how rude can you be? i can understand you want to drink and have a good time but at least keep in mind other people live here too. i don't drink so we never have this issue at my home. i don't know what i can do about it. i dunno....i'm just pissed. =^..^=
Posted by
1:40 PM
can't get enough your love
so here they are. my newest sketches i promised to put up. sorry amy the anime girl isn't exactly my usual style but i thought she encompassed you pretty well. hope you like her. the sketches of the girls are okay, i can't decide if i really like them yet. not the girls....the sketches....okay well maybe the girls too. kidding. ;}
if you are wondering about the title of this post, we were listening to barry white. one more thing we can't get enough of. today is lazy, it seems many of those are coming to pass as of late..
i'm a bit sickly too. but no time for that when the girls demand so much so often. hope you are feeling better today. you sounded so bad when i last spoke with you. take care of you please.
Posted by
12:53 PM
i hate rainbows
"i hate rainbows" sage came to me and said this as i was playing with my phone. so naturally i took a video of it. it's quite the sight.
"why do you hate rainbows?" i questioned her, a little sadly. she looked up at me with her deep brown eyes and sighed.
"i just do. they mean rain." she proceeded to tell me all about rainbows and how they mean rain and even though they are very beautiful she just hates them.
it made me think back to days when i didn't worry about what people wanted and i didn't worry about stopping myself from being myself. when days were filled with running through parks and around the beach without a care. i used to pay close attention to nature when i was young. somehow knowing that that would be my only solace. knowing that someday the world would be full to it's brim with people and nature would slowly fade. knowing that our time here is limited and we must enjoy it. i knew that when i was young. watching the clouds go by without worrying of time.
"enjoy your youth, live it to the fullest." i remember telling myself to enjoy my childhood as life would never be as forgiving again. i pass that to my daughters now. i also tell them the "revelations" i had as a child. of being aware of the change that would happen with nature, the population, and life. i suppose everyone has that knowledge, deep down. i just felt i tapped into it better. but we are full of ourselves. ;}
there is no way i want to live my adolescence again but i miss that feeling....
i've forgotten what it is like to be free.
slowly i'm working to change that.
p.s. hi bruce. :)
Posted by
11:30 PM
when we were young amy loved this group called everything but the girl. they were very cool and i was so surprised amy liked them. well they've done some stuff with massive attack and other groups. check out the track protection on my music thingy. it's massive attack and everything but the girl. i think you'll dig it. ;) =^..^=
Posted by
11:47 AM
so when i married jim he had this big group of close friends i found myself having to make nice with. i have since stopped trying to make them happy. they are all very nice people. i truly think he is very lucky to have such a great group of friends for so long. of course i get a long with some better than others. that is nature right? of course we have agreements and disagreements. that's natural too, i suppose. i just can't get over it when they can't get over themselves. i know ultimately all anyone thinks about is themselves but you would think they would think about each other now and again. it baffles me. jim's friends' wife is crazy bitch! she cracks me up every time. whenever we get together all she talks about is herself. her feelings, how she feels, how she is dealing with her addiction, what addiction entails, how she is getting over things, her parenting skills or lack there of, excuses as to why her almost 3 year old daughter can't talk, excuses about everything, what right and what's wrong. she never cares about anyone else's feelings or anything. all she wants to do is talk about herself and have everyone else listen or talk about her. for 3 years i have been putting up with this because i want to be a good person. but how long do i have to do this? the only reason i get frustrated is because there has never been reciprocation. since i've known her it's been all about her. i was there for her when she went through some major crap, i helped through her depression and made sure she was stable and okay. but when i needed it she just wanted to talk about herself. i want to tell her to get a blog because she can talk about herself all she wants and no one has to read it. like mine, i'm sure no one but you reads this thing! which isn't a bad thing at all, it's like a diary for you to read! ha ha! anyhow, i've decided not to fall prey to her antics and remain neutral to all her advances. i am still nice to her when she comes over but i don't take any of her shit. i say whay i feel and no different. i refuse to bow to others will!! har har!! =^..^=
Posted by
8:58 AM
thank you for being a friend
i finally got all the seasons of The Golden Girls on dvd. i'm so happy! so now when inspiration fails me i watch the girls and laugh. it puts me in the mood to paint, draw, and sketch. i know....weird. so while watching season six i sketched the girls. i also drew out a little anime girl for amy. i'll have to post them here soon. i'm working on three pieces right now. one i find difficult. i can't get the right glue to get these wings to stick on the canvas. maybe it will come to me soon. i don't want to ruin the whole thing and i don't want to have to buy new wings....*le sigh
any thoughts?
Posted by
4:36 PM
slow pickings
so i guess i haven't had too much to say lately or maybe i just really don't care. this month has been slow pickings on the posts. so i posted in that forum again. i don't know if i am a glutton for rejection or if i am just fascinated with these people. i am having a problem finishing this painting i'm doing. so far no one in this forum is understanding enough or open-minded enough to honestly post back. i keep getting ignored or basic generic responses. oh well, when i become a sickly famous artist they will have no credit for me to give. =^..^=
Posted by
10:32 AM
do you mind....
thinking of humans, i often wonder how much people really know about each other. i mean you could know someone for years and truly never know who they really are. for all you know they have been putting up a huge front for as long as you've known them. i mean how much do we really know other people? how much do people truly allow others to see? i've never pondered it seriously as for some reason i have blinded myself thinking everyone is like myself, wearing their heart on their sleeve and openly speaking about what i believe. i guess others don't do this for fear of misunderstanding, but i don't care really. i wish others would be so blunt. anyhow....either way, do you mind if i always love you....?
people are great.
Posted by
12:43 PM
so i posted in this forum i periodically visit. i asked if anyone ever feels as though they don't belong even though interests are shared and the like. well of course i got the generic response of "i don't care what people accept or don't accept. i don't think anyone has to try to belong to anything". well frankly i believe that to be a bunch of crap. i mean if that were the case they wouldn't have sought out the forum right? they were looking for like minded people to "belong" with, in a sense. right? am i totally off on this? i mean those forums are like little cliques on the net. i don't think they have any room to tell me that kind of stuff when they themselves act the part. oh well, i chalk it up to the superiority complex. ;]
of course they don't understand where i am coming from, i only post those types of questions in hopes of artistic inspiration. sometimes it actually works! i just wish people would truly be themselves. i say and do things when i feel them, a lot of times without thinking about it, staying true to my being. i can't help but feel a lot of these people are being fake, at the same time being very close-minded. but then again that is what draws me, i find humans to be dazzling, something to observe with interest. =^..^=
Posted by
1:01 PM